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  • Writer's pictureStories Stooker


Wallflower by definition is a southern European plant with fragrant yellow, orange-red, dark red, or brown flowers that bloom in early spring.

Metaphorically, we compare introverts with wallflowers. It's ironic!

If you ask me, wallflowers are the strongest, literally and figuratively.

Perhaps, the best kind of perennials.

They can grow through crevices, cracked corners and chipped edges of the redbrick.

They crawl their way out to strive and grow beautifully, beating all odds.

They weren't given options, their only choice was to thrive. We often overlook the struggles one has been through to actually get where they are today. It takes immense courage and strength to grow your own roots in cold, hard surfaces with nothing but determination to grow.

Seldom appreciated for their strength to thrive in this boisterous world, this post is simply dedicated to those valiant wallflowers.

Grow and break free - beautifully!


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