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  • Writer's pictureStories Stooker

Note to self

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

Tell me the one thing that you hate about yourself and why?

Tell me why do you think you aren't enough - good enough?

Tell me why do you think that it happens only with/to you?

Tell me why are you feeling this emptiness?

Now read my words out loud, "These are the reasons in life that demand for us to feel more than we should or are ready for."

Most of us feel bogged down, mentally, emotionally and physically - day and night, some days, everyday.

We bottle things up, we feel too much, we don't want people to see this other side. For we fear being judged, being abandoned, being unloved.

Some moments in our lives make us feel more - hurt more, cry more, beat ourselves up more than we should, blame ourselves even more, for reasons that don't even make sense.

The reason I am writing this today is because not everyday we will wake up feeling amazing. Some days can be extremely overwhelming, exhausting and depressing. It's a strange feeling - you know that it'll go away, it can't last forever, keeping busy would drive all this away, yet it feels like this sickening darkness is going to stay!

So, if you feel upset or defeated or unworthy or just the blues got to you, you just got to know this:

You're the driving force of your own happiness.

You're enough, so, so enough!

You're not alone.

Look around and reach out.

All these crazy feelings and emotions will pass. I promise!

You're fucking beautiful with all your flaws.

Darling, it's no contest.

You are who you are, not who they want you to be.


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